Comment on 24.10.1800

The work described here by Thorvaldsen is no longer known. According to Thorvaldsen’s information to the architect Frederik Ferdinand Friis it was destroyed, see point 14 in letter of 8.1.1829 from Friis to J.M. Thiele. See also the related article about Lost Works.
Thorvaldsen’s descripton of the figure suggests that Peace followed the traditional pattern for this type of allegorical representations, cf. Erna Mandowsky (ed.): Cesare Ripa: Iconologia…, Hildesheim & New York 1970, p. 375. He returned to the subject in a slightly different version around 1811 in the drawings C1, C2r, C3r, C4, C5r, C5v and C700.

Last updated 19.02.2015