Comment on 17.1.-14.2.1797

I.e. the Danish writer Jens Baggesen’s: Labyrinten, in two volumes, 1792-93.
These are still in Thorvaldsen’s book collection, M694, signed P. Pavels and P. Pawels respectively.
It is therefore likely that Thorvaldsen received the two volumes as a farewell gift from his good friend, the chaplain on board the Thetis, Peder Pavels, when they parted in Malta 17.1.1797.
As appears from the list, Thorvaldsen took the volumes with him to Rome, and they returned to Denmark when Thorvaldsen came back 17.9.1838.

The outer framework of Labyrinten is an account of a journey through Germany, France, and Switzerland. Therefore, it has not been of much use to Thorvaldsen in Italy. He must have chosen to keep the pioneer novel throughout his life simply because he was particularly fond of it.

Last updated 25.03.2015