Comment on 17.1.-14.2.1797

The designation “Turks” was used indiscriminately about Turks, North Africans, and Muslims, see for instance Sørensen & Schirò, op. cit., p. 38 (note 22), where the designation is used about North Africans in Tripoli.
The packet boat to Naples was apparently to be escorted because of the danger of being attacked by pirates. Regarding the threat of “Turkish” pirates, see for instance Andreas Christian Gierlew: Breve over Italien og Sicilien paa en Rejse i Aarene 1803 og 1804, vol. 2, Copenhagen 1807, p. 218.
Thiele I, p. 82 also mentions the risk of piracy as the reason why the packet was escorted by a frigate.

Last updated 18.03.2015