Back to 1787

Not later than March 1787

Residence at 20 Laksegade, ground floor, 20, Copenhagen.

Primary sources

  • FT-1787, the Copenhagen census 1787, cf. Dansk Demografisk Database (“Gotskalk Torwaltsen, 44, married, husband, sculptor”, “Karen, 38, married, his wife”, “Bertel Torsen, 17, unmarried, his son, his apprentice”).

Other references

  • The street was then called “Laxegade”.
  • Louis Bobé: ‘Bertel Thorvaldsens Herkomst’, Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift, vol. 57, no 1, 1936, p. 44 (In March 1787, Gotskalk Thorvaldsen complained to the municipal authorities about the neighbour, the Molberg family, and their “indecent singing and swearing and noisy behaviour”).
  • H. Weitemeyer, Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift, 6. VI, 154 (reference in Bobé, op. cit.)

Last updated 18.03.2016