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End of 1817 The Goddess of Hope, A47.
February 1818 The Goddess of Hope, A47, is commissioned in marble by Caroline von Humboldt.
Not later than 27.8.1818 The version of Goddess of Hope, cf. A47, commissioned by Caroline von Humboldts, is begun in marble. Today at Schloss Tegel, Berlin.
1829 Caroline von Humboldt’s marble version of The Goddess of Hope, cf. A47, arrives in Berlin. Today at Schloss Tegel, Berlin.
20.5.1831 Christian Friedrich Tieck’s copy of Goddess of Hope, cf. A47, is placed on the top of the granite column which constitutes the monument to Caroline von Humboldt in the garden of Schloss Tegel, Berlin.
10.3.1836 Visits the Puggaard family and gives Marie Puggaard an antique ring with a reproduction of The Goddess of Hope, cf. A47.
1859 The Goddess of Hope, A46, carved by H.W. Bissen after A47.