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1824 Pius 7., A149, preparatory work for A142.
Beginning of 1824 Pius 7., A270, preparatory work for A142.
January 1824 Monument for Pius 7., A148, preparatory work for A142-A145.
End of 1824 Third sketch for Pius 7., A142, is completed.
March 1825 The model for Pius 7., A142, is completed.
November 1830 The spot for the funerary monument of Pius 7., cf. A142, in St. Peter’s, Rome, is ready.
27.10.1833 H.C. Andersen sees Thorvaldsen’s monument to Pius 7. in St. Peter’s, cf. A142, A143, A144, A145, A146 and A147.