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Not earlier than 8.8.1832 Thorvaldsen requests and receives study material on Johann Gutenberg for the execution of the Gutenberg monument, cf. A114, A115, A116.
Not later than August 1833 Sketch The Invention of the Movable Types, C395 for the relief, A115. Part of the Gutenberg Monument, A114.
Autumn 1833 - 28.6.1834 The Invention of the Movable Types, A115 is executed by H.W. Bissen under Thorvaldsen’s supervision. Part of the Gutenberg Monument, A114.
1836 The Gutenberg Monument, cf. A114, A115, A116 cast in bronze by Charles Crozatier (1795-1855) in Paris.
1837 The Invention of the Movable Types, A115 (part of the Gutenberg Monument, cf. A114) is sent from the bronze caster Charles Crozatier (1795-1855) to Frankfurt am Main, where it is prepared by J.J. Barth (? after 1837) and cast by J.G.B. Beyer (? after 1860).
13.8.1837 - 16.8.1837 The Gutenberg Monument, cf. A114, A115, A116 is unveiled in Mainz at a four-day celebration. Thorvaldsen is not present.