Senest 9.12.1826


Bertel Thorvaldsen

Sender’s Location



Johan Gunder Adler

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Ingen udskrift.

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår ikke af brevudkastet, men af det afsendte brev af 9.12.1826.


Draft letter dated 9.12.1826.


Velbaaren Hr. Justitsraad!

Jeg har modtaget Deres Skrivelse af 17de October sidstleden, hvori De oversender mig en Anviisning paa 225 Scudi som Renter for et halvt Aar af H.K.H. Prindsens Obligation, hvilke 225 Scudi jeg iligemaade har modtaget og afskrevet efter Deres Ønske afskrevet paa Obligationen.
Min Hovedbeskiæftigelse for Øieblikket er et stort Arbeide, paa hvilket ieg ikke blot vil anvende min Tid, men ogsaa, ihvor kostbart det end vil blive, har i Sind at anvende den Formue, jeg hidindtil har samlet mig. Arbeidet er en Seiersgudinde paa en med 2 Heste forspændt Vogn, hvilken jeg agter paa min egen Bekostning at lade støbe i Bronze. Da saaledes Contanter hvert Øeblik ere mig nødvendige og jeg fra alle Sider inddrager mit Udestaaende, tør jeg bede Deres Velbaarenhed anmode H.K.H. om at sætte mig istand til efterhaanden, naar mine Udgifter fordre det, at kunne disponere over Obligationens paalydende Sum 9000 Scudi, hvilke jeg saaledes, naturligviis med 3 Maaneders Varsel, enten fra i dag af eller fra dette Brevs Modtagelsesdag af, ønsker at blive sat i Besiddelse af. De mig sidst tilsendte Renter ville saaledes være de sidste og Rentebetalingen med dem være ophørt; ligesom mit Ønske er, at Huset Torlonia maa blive befuldmægtiget til at udbetale mig de 9000 Scudi naar min øieblikkelige Trang gjør det nødvendigt. –
I det jeg beder Deres Velbaarenhed underrette H.K.H. Prindsen herom tør jeg tillige anmode Dem om at tilskrive mig et Par Ord om dette Brevs Modtagelse, ligesom og om at overbringe D.K.H. Prindsens [og] Prindsessens min underdanigste Hilsen.

Oversættelse af dokument

Honourable Counsellor,

I have received your favour of October 17th last year in which you send me a cheque for 225 Scudi as interest for six months of H.R.H. the Prince’s bond, which 225 Scudi I have received in the same way and written off according to your wishes have written off on the bond.
My principal occupation for the time being is a great piece of work, on which I shall not only spend my time, but furthermore, however costly it will be I intend to use the fortune I have amassed until now. The work is a Goddess of Victory on a carriage drawn by two horses, which I intend to have cast in bronze at my own expense. Since thus, at any moment cash is necessary to me, and I collect my claims from all sides, may I ask you, Sir to request H.R.H. little by little, when my expenses so demand to enable me to have the denomination of the bond 9000 Scudi at my disposal which in this way I wish to take possession of, of course with 3 months’ notice, either from today or from the date of receipt of this letter. The latest interest sent to me would thus be the last and the payment of interest would have come to an end; and also wish that the House Torlonia may be authorized to pay to me the 9000 Scudi when my present need shall make it necessary. –
Asking you, Sir to inform H.R.H. the Prince about this I also dare request you to write a couple of words to me about receipt of this letter, as well as about conveying the R.H. the Prince [and] the Princess my most humble regards.

[Translated by Karen Husum]

General Comment

This is a draft of the letter dated 9.12.1826, see the comments on the contents there. The final letter contains a few more polite phrases than this draft, but otherwise the contents are the same.
See the related article Christian 8.’s Loan from Thorvaldsen.

Document Type

Udkast af koncipist



Archival Reference

m28, nr. 95


Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.



Last updated 09.09.2016