April 1839


Bertel Thorvaldsen

Sender’s Location



Johan Bravo

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Ingen udskrift.

Dating based on

Kun måned og år fremgår af brevudkastet, dagen er uvis.


The commentary for this draft is not available at the moment.


Til Hr Bravo i Rom. Kiøbenhavn d. Ap 1839

Under 30 Mart[s] d.A. har Conferentsraad Collin ved at meddele Dem Underretning om den Understøttelse, Hans Majestæt har bevilget Dem, tillige paa mine Vegne underrettet Dem om at den Kongelige Corvet Galathea vil i Sommer komme til Livorno for at afhente en stor Deel af mine Sager, og at det er mit Ønske og venskabelige Begiering, at De med sædvanlig Velvillie og Omsorg, vil besørge alle disse Sager forsvarligen indpakkede og afsendte til Livorno. Naar Skibet kommer, kan jeg ikke sige med Vished, men ønskeligt var det om alt kunde være parat til Indskibning først i Juliimaaned. Jeg haaber at De i rette Tid har modtaget Collins Brev, og at De altsaa nu er i fuldt Arbeide med Indpakningen, som jeg paa det bedste anbefaler til Dem; ligesom jeg ogsaa venter, at vi snart see noget fra Dem desangaaende. Imidlertid har jeg ikke villet undlade herved at gientage min, igiennem Collins Brev, fremsatte Begiering og fremsender en Liste paa de Sager, som fortrinsviis denne Gang skulle afsendes.

[tilføjet med blyant, ikke autograf:] Thorv.

Oversættelse af dokument

To Mr Bravo in Rome. Copenhagen, April 1839

On March 30th this year Konferensråd Collin on informing you of the support granted to you by His Majesty has also on my behalf informed you that the royal corvette Galathea this summer will arrive at Leghorn to fetch a large part of my things and that it is my wish and friendly request that you with your usual kindness and care will attend to all these articles being properly packed up and sent off to Leghorn. I cannot say for certain when the ship will arrive, but it would be advisable that everything is ready for shipment at the beginning of July. I do hope that you have received Sir Collin’s letter in time and that you are now in active progress with the packing, which I highly recommend to you; just as I also expect to see something from you about this. However, I have not wished to abstain from repeating my request put forward by Sir Collin’s letter and send a list of the articles especially to be sent off this time.

[added in pencil, not an autograph:] Thorv.

[Translated by Karen Husum]

Document Type

Udkast af koncipist


Jonas Collin

Archival Reference

m28, nr. 89


Last updated 18.05.2016