

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Sender’s Location



Herman Schubart

Recipient’s Location


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The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


Rom den 4de Februari 1809

Deres Excellenze!

Med største Taknemlighed og Glæde har ieg modtaget den nydelige Naal med Brillanter, som Deres fortreffelige Søster Grevinde Schimmelmann har været saa naadig at værdige mig at bære, til et Beviis paa Hendes Agtelse og Yndest for mig som Konstner, hvilket giver mig det beste Haab som kan ønskes.
Deres Excellenzes Fødselsdag er bleven høytideligholdt med megen Glæde; Selskabet bestod af 20 Personer; vor gode Camuccini kunde ikke komme; Aftenen begiøndte med en liden Concert, og sangs[?] ret nydelig Capelmærsterne, Crelius og Küster, acompagnerede med Pianoforte Fiolini og Basso – Decorationen hvor vi spiste fandt almindelig Bifald; Paa en Forhøyning var anbragt Bas rilieffet Gratierne med de omkring dansende Muser paa hver Side af samme tvende Colonner med Deres og Gemalindes Byster bekransede med Laubær Kranse, som vor gode Høyer havde flettet. over Basrilieffet vare de trende Genier af Daaben som Medaillon indviklet med Laubær og der fra nedhengende Festons som faldt over det understaaende Basrilief med Muserne; Over Bordet en Lysekrone ligeledes af Laubær og Orangser. Medens vi spiste, spillede, de lejede Musicantere Symfonier! Efter Bordet blev der danset til Kl: henimod 4r og endte vi saaledes alle Glade og fornøyede Deres Excellenzes Fødselsfest –
Hermed indlagdte Breve, et til Deres fortræffelige Søster Grevinde Schimmelmann, et til Vor eie Gode Grev Christian Reventlow, og til Commissionen for Slottes og Raad og Domhuusets Opbygning, som Deres Excellenze er saa god at besørge paa det Beste, Deres Excellenze vil deraf see at jeg forreslaaer benevnde Bygnings Commission min Gruppe af Amor og Psyche, som jeg udfører to Gange, og Venus ogsaa, Psyche har Deres Excellenze ikke seet, jeg har af mangel paa Plas maattet ladet den udhugge hiemme hos en af mine Folk, og har den nu i mit Huus for at fulende samme; Canova har seet den og den har gefaldet ham usiigelig. Jeg haaber at disse almindelige elskende Süjetter, samt der[e]s passende Størelse og deilige marmor hvoraf de ere udførdte, ved Deres Excellenzes Recomodasion vist vil faae Plas i vort Kongelige Huus.
Det er ikke allene Interessen som driver mig men mere den Fornøyelse som Dansk Konstner at kunde bidrage noget til Prydelse for Slottet, da Tiiden flyer, de mange Arbejder som jeg har at udføre, samt Marmores langvarige Fuldendelse, giør at jeg med min svage Helbred ikke kan vente at produsere meget mere –
Jeg beder min Complement aflagt hos Deres naadige Gemalinde og Gode Olinto, fra Deres Excellenzes ærbødig

underdan[i]ge Tiener
B. Thorvaldsen

P.S. Hr Høyer har været meget syg men er nu bedre, og har faaet gode efterre[t]ninger fra Academiet som fornøyer mig meget. Hr Gmellin helser Dem og givet mig den forlangte Note.

Oversættelse af dokument

Rome, February 4th 1809

Sir, Your Excellency,

With great gratitude and joy I have received the lovely agraffe with brilliants, which your excellent sister Countess Schimmelmann has been so gracious to vouchsafe me to carry, as proof of her approval and favour to me as artist, which gives me the best hope which may be wished. Your Excellency’s birthday has been celebrated with much pleasure; the party consisted of 20 persons, our kind Camuccini could not come; the evening began with a small concert, and songs [?] quite nice, the conductor, Crelius and Küster, accompanied with pianoforte, violin, and basso – The decoration where we dined met with general approval; on a raised platform the bas-relief the Graces with the dancing Muses round about was placed on either side of this, two columns with your and your wife’s busts garlanded with laurel wreaths, which our kind Høyer had made. Above the bas-relief there were the three genii of the baptism as medallion enveloped in laurels and from there the drawn festoons which fell over the bas-relief underneath with the Muses; Above the table a chandelier likewise of laurels and oranges, while we were eating the hired musicians played symphonies! After the table people were dancing till towards 4 o’clock and thus we all happily brought Your Excellency’s birthday part to a close –
Enclosed please find letters, one for your excellent sister Countess Schimmelmann, one for our kind-hearted Count Christian Reventlow, and for the Building Commission for Christiansborg Palace and the town- and court house which Your Excellency will be so good as to forward as best. Your Excellency will see from this that I recommend the mentioned Building commission my group of Cupid and Psyche, which I execute twice, and Venus as well, Your Excellency has not seen Psyche, for lack of space I have had to have it cut out at one of my people’s home, and have it now in my house to apply the finishing touches on it; Canova has seen it and it has pleased him immensely. I hope that these subjects generally loved as well as being of suitable size and made from lovely marble by Your Excellency’s recommendation will be sure to find room in our royal house. Not only willing hands make light work, more so the pleasure as a Danish artist to be able to contribute something for the ornamentation of the palace, as time flies, the many works I have to be executed, as well as the prolonged process of finishing a work in marble cause that with my weak health I can not expect to produce much more –
I beg my compliments to be given to your gracious wife and kind Olinto from Your Excellency’s respectful

Humble servant
B. Thorvaldsen

P.S. Mr Høyer has been rather ill but is now better, and has received good news from the Academy of Fine Arts which pleases me very much. Mr Gmellin sends his regards and has given me the requested note.

[Translated by Karen Husum]

Document Type

Færdigt egenhændigt dokument

Archival Reference

m28, nr. 6




A26 Psyche med skønhedssalven, Tidligst september 1806 - Senest november 1806, inv.nr. A26

Last updated 04.11.2014