

C.F. Høyer

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Brevet har været forseglet, muligvis med voks.


Bertel Thorvaldsen

Recipient’s Location


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Udskrift: A Monsieur / Mons.r Alberto Thorvaldsen / Porfesseur dans la Schulpture / Chevaliere de l’ordre de Dannebrogue.

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Dateringen fremgår af brevet.


The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


Rom d. 12te Sep. 1810.

Kiæreste beste Thorvaldsen! Af Indlagte vil De erfare at Deres Venskabelige af 3 Sep: er rigtig tilhændekommet Jeg vilde have svaret samme Dag, ieg modtog Deres kiære Brev; Men det var ikke Sig. U: beleilig, ieg tror omnævnte haabede: ved at vente til i Dag: at C: selv kunde skrive Dem til Der i Huuset saa vel som her befinde alle sig vel og lade Dem paa det venskabeligsyte hilse – I Deres Fraværelse veed ieg intet af Vigtighed forefaldet – Hvad Deres Værksted angaar: synes mig at M: den senere Tiid har været flittig, men han har forsømt nogle Dage: for at encomodere Rauchs Dronning – Jeg tog mig den Frihed at sige Vedkommende min Meening – Disse svarede: at vilde selv skrive skrive Dem til, og at de haabede at Deres Undskyldning skulde være giældende –

Min oprigtigste Taksigelse skylder ieg Dem for Deres Omhue for min medbragte Malerier og især for Deres bestandige varme Deeltagelse i min Skiæbne, at ieg formedelst Deres venskabelige Anbefaling tør love mig en blidere Fremtiid. – Jeg har for 14ten Dage siden havt Brev fra Den H: Com som var ikke til at glæde sig over, Af dets Udvortes sluttede ieg mig til dets Indhold: thi det var adresseret til Rom og anbefalet til Consul Hugolin i Neapel. Dets Indhold er: At ieg ikke har meere end Haabet nu lige som for 5 Aar siden – H: siger der i: at han ikke kan svare paa naar der kan forundes mig Arbeide; men at det vilde være Com: behagelig ogsaa at modtage Esqvisser fra mig paa det at Com: kunde have mere at vælge i, etc: Forestil Dem: dette at være underskreven af en heel Commission – Jeg tog her af Anledning strax at tilskrive Academiet, sendte Samme Gienpart af Coms: Svar, har bedet Academiet i Følge her af, at indgive Forestilling til Kongen om at forunde mig Understøttelse indtil den H: C: seer sig i stand til at opfylde sit for 5 Aar siden givne Løfte. – Om at ieg her i har handlet rigtig eller ei veed ieg ikke; Men eftersom at Com: aldeeles ikke har taget Academiets fordeelagtige Anbefaling i Betragtning synes mig Academiet følende sig fornærmet burde tage sig alvorlig af denne Sag. –

Strax efter Napoleons Festen reiste Etatzraad West til Neapel, Han skrev mig strax til – efter sin Ankomst did: hvad han havde giort til et hvert Klogeslet [klokkeslet] – senere har ieg ingen Efterretning havt.

At De beste Thorvaldsen lever vel og fornøyet paa Montenero der om tviler ieg ikke. Jeg erindrer mig som i Dag Baronessens Fødselsfest forrige Aar – Den Dag modtog Baronessen uventede behagelige Tiidender, Jeg vil haabe det ieg ønsker at denne Fest har været som hin, og De kiære Thorvaldsen skal doppel glæde sig over Deres Bortrejse.

Er det Dem mulig at meddeele mig hvad Dag De formeener at være i Rom ønskede ieg saa vel som de Herrer H: og S: at komme Dem i møde – Formodentlig modtager De dette Brev paa Montenero og beder ieg Dem derfore: at De er saa god at formælde den heele Vennekreds min velmeente Hilsen Lev vel! lev vel! Jeg anbefaler mig stedse Deres Venskab med inderligste Hengivenhed

C.F. Høyer

P S: Man siger: at Baronesse Homboldt reiser en af disse Dage. –

Oversættelse af dokument

Rome, September 12th 1810

Dearest Thorvaldsen! From the enclosed you will learn that your friendly letter of Sep 3rd has arrived correctly. I wanted to answer the same day I received your dear letter. However, it was not convenient to Sig. U: I think that the mentioned hoped that by waiting till today C: himself could write to you there in their house as well as here all feel well and send them their most friendly regards. – In your absence I know of nothing that has happened of importance. – As for your workshop: it seems to me that of lately M has been diligent, but he has neglected some days to work on Rauch’s queen. – I took the liberty to tell the persons concerned my opinion. – These answered that they will write to you themselves and that they hoped their excuse would be valid. –

I owe you my sincere gratitude for being so careful about the paintings I brought and especially for your constant warm sympathy with my fate so that because of your recommendation I dare hope for a more lenient future. – Two weeks ago, I had a letter from the H: Com, which was not pleasant. From its appearance I inferred its content: for it was addressed to Rome and recommended for Consul Heigelin in Naples. Its contents are: That I have no more than hope just as 5 years ago. – H says in it: that he cannot tell when I can be granted work; but that the Com: would be pleased to receive sketches from me so that the Com: would have more to choose from, etcetera: Imagine that this was signed by an entire commission. – I used this occasion to immediately write the Academy, sent the same a copy of the Com’s: answer, and have as a consequence of this asked the Academy to send in a nomination to the King to grant me support until Mr H: C: finds himself able to fulfil his promise made 5 years ago. – Whether I have done well or not I do not know; But as the Com: has not at all taken the positive recommendation from the Academy into consideration I think that the Academy feeling offended ought to deal seriously with this case. –

Immediately after the Napoleon festival Etatsråd [titular Councillor of State] West left for Naples. He wrote to me immediately after his arrival: what he had done at every hour – later I have had no information.

I do not doubt, dear Thorvaldsen, that you are well and pleased at Montenero. I remember as if it were today the birthday party for the Baroness last year – On that day the Baroness received unexpected, pleasant news. I hope it and wish that this party has been like the former and you, dear Thorvaldsen, must enjoy your absence twofold.

Is it possible for you to inform me what day you intend to be in Rome I as well as the messrs. H: and S: wished to come and meet you. – I suppose you will receive this letter at Montenero and so I ask you: that you will be so kind as to give my sincere regards to all the friends. Take care! Take care! As ever I commend myself to your friendship yours sincerely,

C. F. Høyer

P.S. Baroness Humboldt is said to leave one of these days. –

Archival Reference

m2 1810, nr. 26

Last updated 28.05.2019