

John Gibson

Sender’s Location



William Cavendish

Recipient’s Location

Antagelig Chatsworth, Bakewell

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af brevet.


The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


10 th October 1821

Your Grace,

I have had the honour of receiving your Grace’s kind and polite letter dated Sepr 16.th The marble is in my studio, my workman has been cutting at away on it for fifteen days so that we can now form some idea of its purity, – hithertoo, it is most beautiful. Sigr d’Este, Canova’s foreman says that nothing can be more promising. Thorwalsden saw it three days ago and exclaimed bello, bello, bello.! he says that he would have given anything to have had such a block for his Three Graces. the marble of which has turnd out very bad, but he is finishing it up.

My marble is of the most exquisite quality and colour. I do not give way to my joy though I am almost sure of its provi[d]ing a most glorious block.

I am delighted to have the honour of seeing your Grace in Rome once more. I am afraid to promise to finish the group in less than a year and a half. It is with the highest esteem and profound respect I have the honour to be your Grace’s most devoted servant

John Gibson

General Comment

Brevet er afskrevet og venligt stillet til rådighed af Eric Forster, her gengivet og revideret efter originalbrevet.

Archival Reference

Devonshire Mss., Chatsworth, Sculpture Accounts of the 6th Duke of Devonshire, f.115.



Last updated 14.12.2012