

Bertel Thorvaldsen

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Tilskrift: Til Den Kongelige Direction for Universitetet og de Lærde Skoler.

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Dateringen fremgår af brevet.


The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


I Anledning af den mig under 4e. April d:A. tilsendte Skrivelse fra den Kongelige Direction for Universitetet og de Lærde Skoler, giver jeg mig den ærbødige Frihed at tilmelde Samme: at de af mig til Hjemsendelse bestemte Kunstsager, saa betimeligen ville vorde afsendte fra Rom, at den Kongelige Orlogsfregat, der i denne Anledning anløber Livorno vil forefinde det Hele færdigt til Indskibning mod Slutningen af Maji Maaned.
Med Hensyn til de under Hjemsendelsen af Kunstsagerne i Aaret 1833 beskadigede Figurer i terra cotta til Frue Kirkes Fronton, da beklager jeg at den korte Tid før Fregatens Ankomst til Livorno, ikke vil kunde tillade mig at foranstalte færdiggjort et nyt Exemplar af disse Figurer, men trøster mig til under mit forestaaende Ophold i Kiøbenhavn at kunde finde Hjelp imod den lidte Beskadigelse.
Da det under mit omtalte Ophold i Hjemmet ogsaa vilde være mig kjærest og lettest at give og modtage de Oplysninger, som ere nødvendige med Hensyn til Bestemmelsen af det Pengeforhold, hvori jeg staar til Frue Kirke, beder jeg den Kongelige Direction i denne Anledning at oppebie min mundtlige Forklaring, hvilken jeg har det glade Haab ret snart at kunde give. –
Rom d: 11 Maji 1835. ærbødigste
Albert Thorvaldsen

Oversættelse af dokument

Acting on the information received in the favour of April 4th this year from the royal managers of the university and the grammar schools I take the respectful liberty to inform the same: that the works of art decided for sending home by me will be sent from Rome so timely that the royal naval frigate which on that occasion touches at Leghorn will find all of it ready for shipment at the end of May.
As regards the damaged figures in terra cotta for the pediment of the Church of Our Lady, which were damaged during the sending home of the works of art in the year 1833, I regret that the short time before the frigate’s arrival at Leghorn will not allow me to arrange finalized a new copy of these figures, but I take comfort in being able to find assistance against the suffered damage during my impending stay in Copenhagen.
As it would also be dearest and most easy to me during my mentioned stay at home to give and receive information which is necessary as regards the financial circumstances I am in to the Church of Our Lady, I ask the royal managers on this occasion to wait for my verbal explanation, which I hope I shall soon be able to give. –
Rome, May 11th 1835 most respectful
Albert Thorvaldsen

[Translated by Karen Husum]

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Last updated 20.09.2021