

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Sender’s Location



H.N. Clausen, Jonas Collin, Just Mathias Thiele

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Tilskrift: Til Hrr Conferentsraad Collin
Hrr Professor Clausen
Her Professor Thiele

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af brevet.


The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


Som jeg hører har Hans Majestæt nu skriftligen gjentaget, hvad han for 8 Dage siden var saa naadig at meddele mig, nemlig at han skjænker til Locale for mine Kunstsager den Bygning, som ligger bag ved Christiansborg Slotskirke, bestaaende af to Sidefløie og et Endepartie. Jeg modtog min Konges Tilbud med Glæde og Taknemmelighed, og hvad jeg saaledes sagde til Hans Majestæt og til Kunstakademiets høie Præses, Hans Kongelige Høihed Prinds Christian, saavelsom til alle mine Venner, som derom have talt med mig, det beder jeg Dem, mine Herrer, at de ufortøvet ville, paa mine Vegne, foredrage, saavel for Deres gode Colleger i Committeen, som for den ærede Magistrat og Stadens Deputerede Borgere. Jeg miskjender sandeligen ikke den Iver og gode Villie, som besjæler nogle af mine Velyndere, idet de ønske et andet Locale, end dette, som jeg er fuldkommen tilfreds med, men det skulde smerte mig, om der derved skulde gives Anledning til den allermindste Yttring, til Hans Majestæt eller til det Offentlige, hensigtende til at forandre hiin Kongelige Beslutning. Mit Ønske for mine Kunstsager er nærved at opnaaes. Fundamentet er, ved denne Kongelige Gave, nu lagt. Udførelsen kan med de af mine Medborgere og Landsmænd allerede ydede velvillige betydelige Bidrag, som jeg erkjendtligen paaskjønner, og ved det Tilskud, som der kan ventes fra denne Stads Øvrighed, der allerede har givet mig umiskjendelige Prøver paa deres
Hengivenhed, ikke længe udeblive. Min Alder, min Kunst og mit Helbred fordrer Ro og Fred, og disse mig vigtige Goder vil ingen som har mig kjær, forstyrre.

Kjøbenhavn den 5 Januar 1839
med Høiagtelse

Oversættelse af dokument

I hear that His Majesty has now repeated in writing what he 8 days ago was so gracious to inform me, namely that as premises for my objects of art he donates the building which stands behind Christiansborg Palace Church, consisting of two side wings and one end portion. I accepted my King’s offer with pleasure and gratitude and gentlemen, I ask you immediately to render on my behalf to your good colleagues on the Committee as well as to the honoured corporation and the delegate citizens of the city what I said to His Majesty and to the high President of the Academy of Fine Arts His Royal Highness Prince Christian, as well as to all my friends who have spoken with me about this. I fully appreciate the zeal and good intention, which inspire some of my patrons to wishing different premises from these, with which I am completely satisfied, but I should be deeply grieved if it would give rise to the slightest remark to His Majesty or to the public authorities with the object to change his royal resolution. My wish for my objects of art is close to come true. The foundation has now been laid by this royal present. By the already kind and substantial contributions from my fellow countrymen and fellow citizens, which I appreciate and by the grant to be expected from the authorities of this city who have already given me unmistakable proofs of their affection the execution cannot be long.
My age, my art and my health demand peace and quiet, and nobody who is fond of me will disturb these boons important to me.

Copenhagen, January 5th 1839
Yours respectfully,

[Translated by Karen Husum]

Document Type

Færdigt dokument af koncipist



Archival Reference

Thorvaldsens Museums Oprettelse, 99



Last updated 27.06.2018