

Bertel Thorvaldsen

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The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


Det har altid været mit Ønske at Carl Fredrik Wilkens, Opvarter ved det Kongl Akademie for de skiønne Kunster, maatte vorde ansat som Tilsynsmand ved mit Museum, i Betragtning af den Omhyggelighed, Hengivenhed og Troskab, hvormed han og hans Kone have opvartet mig under mit herværende Ophold, siden Aaret 1838. Medundertegnede Executores af Conferentsraad Thorvaldsens Testamente, som, ifølge den under 16 Febr 1843 allernaadigst approberede Codicil, erholde den nævnte Betegnelse af og Overopsyn med Museet, give derfor, i Forening med mig Thorvaldsen, bemeldte C.F. Wilkens bestemt Tilsagn om at ansættes som Tilsynsmand ved Museet med en saadan aarlig Indtægt, at han intet taber ved at forlade sin Opvartertienste under Akademiet, og med Forpligtelse at udføre det Arbeide og Tilsyn sammesteds, som af os maatte blive ham paalagt.

Kiøbenhavn, d. 3 Mart[s] 1843

Albert Thorvaldsen

Collin. Thiele. Clausen. Schouw. Bissen.

[Foroven til venstre på skrå:] Afskrift

Oversættelse af dokument

It has always been my wish that Carl Fredrik Wilkens, waiter at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts would be appointed inspector at my museum considering the scrupulousness, devotion and allegiance with which he and his wife have waited on me during my stay here since 1838. Co-signatory executors of Konferentsråd Thorvaldsen’s will which according to the February 16th 1843 approved codicil have obtained the mentioned designation of the superintendence of the museum therefore together with me Thorvaldsen give the said C.F. Wilkens a definite promise that he will be appointed as inspector at the museum with such an annual income that he will lose nothing by leaving his waiting at the Academy with an obligation to carry out the work and supervision at that place, which may be prescribed to him by us.

Copenhagen, March 3rd 1843

Albert Thorvaldsen

Collin. Thiele. Clausen. Schouw. Bissen.

[At the top, left, aslant:] Copy

[Translated by Karen Husum]

Archival Reference

Thorvaldsens Museums Oprettelse, 226b

Last updated 24.05.2016