

Redaktørerne ved Fædrelandet, Bertel Thorvaldsen

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‒ Første Paragraph af Thorvaldsens under 5 Decbr. 1838 oprettede, og under 8de næstefter allernaadigst konfirmerede, Testament og Gavebrev, lyder saaledes:

„Til min Fødeby Kjøbenhavn skjænker jeg alle mig tilhørende Konstgjenstande, saavel de, der allerede ere her i Hovedstaten, som den langt større Deel deraf, der endnu er i Rom, tilligemed den Tilvært, de endvidere indtil min Død maatte erholde, det Hele bestaaende af Statuer og Basrelieffer i Marmor og Gibs, antike Vaser, udskaarne Stene, Paster, Bronzer, Terracotter, Medailler, Malerier, Pragtværker, stukne Kobberplader, løse Kobbere og Lithographier, Haandtegninger, Bøger og hvilkesomhelst andre antike og moderne Gjenstande, der henhøre til Videnskaberne og de skjønne Konster.

Formeldte min urokkelige og uigenkaldelige Gave er underkastet følgende Betingelser:
a) at alle ovenfor anførte Gjenstande skulle udgjøre et eneste og særskilt Museum, der skal bære mit Navn, saaledes at det aldrig skal kunne blandes med hvilkesomhelst andre Samlinger, og følgeligen heller ikke formindskes, deles eller forandres under nogetsomhelst Paaskud eller af nogensomhelst Aarsag;
b) at Staden Kjøbenhavn skal lade indrette et passende, særskilt og for Ildsvaade sikkert Locale for dette Museum.”

Ved den under 25 Januar 1843 oprettede, under 16 Februar s. A. allernaadigst confirmerede Codicil bestemte den Afdøde dernæst, „efterat det for hans Arbeider og de øvrige ham tilhørende Konstgjenstande bestemte Museum, ved de af den oprindelige Comitee for dets Oprettelse indsamlede Bidrag af over 60,000 Rbd., og ved hans kjære Fødestads betydelige Tilskud, var opført paa en til hans Ønsker svarende Maade”, at Alt hvad han ved sin Død maatte efterlade sig, uden derover at have fastsat nogen speciel Bedstemmelse, skulde tilfalde Museet, med hvis Indretning Codicillen derefter væsenlig beskæftiger sig. De herhenhørende Dele af Codicillen lyde saaledes:

„Alle Konstsagerne skulle optages i Museet, og Alt det Øvrige skal gjøres i Penge og henligges til Museets Fond, hvis Renter skulle anvendes til Bestillinger til Fordeel for danske Konstnere i det Øiemed, at befordre de skjønne Konster i Danmark og at berige mit Museum med de saaledes af dem udførte Arbeider, hvorhos jeg indskærper og udtrykkelig bestemmer, at Capitalerne stedse skulle være uafhændelige, og at de af ingensomhelst Aarsag eller under intet Paaskud skulle nogensinde kunne formindskes eller forbruges.

Begyndelsen til det i forrige § omtalte Fond er gjort med den Capital af omtrent 25,000 Rbd., som jeg allerede har skænket til Museet og afleveret til Testaments-Executorerne, og hvis Renter maae af disse anvendes til Anskaffelsen af hvad der hører til Konstsagernes hensigtsmæssige Opstilling, og til Museets indvendige Forskjønnelse. Som Følge af de i de 2de næstforegaaende §§ indeholdte Bestemmelser, vil den umiddelbare og udelukkende Bestyrelse af Museet tilkomme og paaligge merbemeldte Executorer, som jeg herved ydermere bemyndiger til at anvende de til deres Disposition satte Midler, for at vedligeholde og forøge Museets Konstsager og at forskjønne dets Indre, saa at det altid kan blive et hæderligt Monument for dansk Konst og danske Konstneres Præstationer.

Over alle til Museet hørende Konstsager, af hvad Navn nævnes kan, skal et nøiagtigt Katalog forfattes og ved Trykken bekjendtgjøres.

Ligesom Alt, hvad der hører til Vedligeholdelse og Forøgelse af Museet (ɔ: Konstværkerne) skal som meldt udføres ved de Pengemidler, som af mig dertil ere skænkede: saaledes haaber jeg, at Communalbestyrelsen, som saa velvilligen har sørget for, at den af Architekten Bindesbøll udkastede, smukke Plan er ved ham bleven heldigen udført, vil ogsaa for Fremtiden sørge for, at denne kostbare Bygning paa Communens Bekostning stedse forsvarligt vedligeholdes, og paalideligt Tilsyn dermed stedse føres, saa at den altid kan blive et sikkert og et anstændigt Opbevaringssted for de kostbare Konstsager, jeg har skænket Staden Kjøbenhavn.

Executores testamenti ere for nærværende Tid Dhrr. Conferensr. Collin, Justitsraad Thiele, Proff. Clausen, Schouw og Bissen, samt et Medlem af Kjøbenhavns Magistrat. De bemyndiges til at udnævne Eftermænd i de Fratrædendes Sted, hvilken Bemyndigelse skal tilkomme deres eventuelle Eftermand.

Ligesom de nuværende Executorer af Venskab for mig og af Kjærlighed til Konsten have paataget sig dette Arbejde uden noget Vederlag, saaledes antager jeg ogsaa, at deres Eftermænd ville gjøre det.

Naar Nogen af de Nuværende fratræder, indskrænkes deres Tal til fem; og skal det ved Afgang og ved ny Executors Udnævnelse være en Regel, at der imellem Executorerne altid er tvende Professorer af Academiet for de skjønne Konster, et Medlem af Kjøbenhavns Magistrat og i det mindste een Lovkyndig, som vælges enten mellem de Tilforordnede i Høiesteret eller i Landsover- samt Hof- og Stadsretten. Forsædet imellem dem har bestandig den, som længst har været i denne Function; i Tilfælde af Meningsforskjellighed skeer Afgjørelsen ved de fleste Stemmer.”

Den Afdøde har derhos i Codicillen bestemt, at Fuldførelsen af hans ufuldendte Værker, mod Godtgjørelse af Museumsfonden, skal anbetroes Professor Bissen, til hvem det specielt konstneriske Tilsyn, med Museet i det Hele er overdraget.

Oversættelse af dokument

‒ The first paragraph of Thorvaldsen’s will and deed of gift drawn up on December 5th 1838 and most graciously granted probate on the subsequent 8th reads as follows:

“To my native town of Copenhagen I donate all objects of art belonging to me, both those which are already here in the capital and the much larger part, which is still in Rome together with the increase they until my death might obtain, all consisting of statues and bas-reliefs in marble and plaster, and antique vases, carved stones, pastes, bronzes, terra cottas, medals, paintings, magnificent works, engraved copperplates, single copperplates and litographs, drawings, books and whichever other antique and modern objects, which come within the sphere of science and fine arts.

My conveyed firm and irrevocable gift is subject to the following stipulations:
a) that all above-mentioned objects should constitute one single and separate museum, which is to bear my name so that it shall never be mixed with any other collections and accordingly neither be diminished, divided up or changed on any account or any motive;
b) that the city of Copenhagen shall establish suitable, separate and fireproof premises for this museum”.

In the codicil drawn up January 25th 1843 and most graciously confirmed February 16th the same year the deceased then stipulated, “after the planned museum for his works and other objects of art belonging to him had been established in a way that meets his wishes using the collected subscriptions of more than 60,000 rix-dollar collected by the original committee for its foundation and by the considerable contributions from his dear native town” that all, which he left after his death without having made any decisions about it should go to the museum the arrangement of which the codicil mainly deals with. The relevant parts of the codicil are as follows,

“All objects of art should be incorporated in the museum. All the other things should be sold and the money transferred to the fund of the museum. The interests should be used for commissions for the benefit of Danish artists with the intention to promote the fine arts in Denmark and to enrich my museum with the works made by them in this way, in addition to which I enjoin and emphasize that the funds should always be inalienable and that they for no cause or reason can be educed or spent.

The start of the fund mentioned in the last § was made with the capital of about 25,000 rix-dollar, which I have already donated to the museum and delivered to the executors under the will and the interests of this may be them be spent on the purchase of what is necessary for the appropriate arrangement of the objects of art and on the improvement of the interior of the museum. Following the stipulations in the other two above-mentioned §§ the immediate and sole management of the museum will rest with the abovementioned executors whom I hereby further authorize to use the resources at their disposal to maintain and increase the objects of art of the museum and to improve its interior so that it will always be a good monument for Danish art and the achievements of Danish artists.

An exact catalogue of all the objects of art belonging to the museum, of all that can be mentioned by name, must be made and published in print.

And also all that come within upkeep and augmentation of the museum (ɔ: the works of art) must as said be carried out with the money, which I have donated for it: Thus I hope that the town council, which kindly has managed that the beautiful plan suggested by the architect Bindesbøll has been successfully carried out that they also in future will take care that this precious building at the expense of the authorities will always be properly maintained and that there will ever be reliable inspection of it, so that it will always be a safe and respectable place for the precious objects of art, which I have donated to the city of Copenhagen.

Executores testamenti are at present Messrs. Konferentsråd Collin, Councellor Thiele, the professors Clausen, Schouw and Bissen, as well as a member of the corporation of Copenhagen. They are authorized to appoint successors in place of outgoing members; this authorization applied to the potential successor.

Just as the present executors from friendship to me and love of art have accepted this work without any payment I expect their successors will also do so.

When any of the present members resign, the number is reduced to five; and it will be a rule that at retirement and the appointment of a new executor among the executors there are always two professors from the Academy of Fine Arts, one member from the corporation of Copenhagen and at least one learned in law, who is elected either among the ones appointed to advise the Ministry on points of law in the Supreme Court or in High Court. Chairmanship among them always gors to the person who has held this post the longest; in case of disagreement, the decision will be taken by a majority of vote.”

The deceased has furthermore stipulated in the codicil that the completion of his unfinished works for a consideration from the funds of the museum are to be entrusted to professor Bissen to whom the inspection of particularly art and of the museum altogether has been assigned.

[Translated by Karen Husum]

General Comment

Denne tekst blev trykt i Fædrelandet, 5teAarg. Nr. 1540.

Archival Reference

M17,80 (Thorvaldsens Museums Småtryk-Samling 1844)



Last updated 02.10.2017